Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

In my life right now, I have been very stressed due to school because since I did very well my first semester I have been offered a lot of new opportunities and it has all been very overwhelming. I am counting down the days until spring break and am excited to not have to worry about school or anything for a week. The critical analysis for me is to not worry too much about school and just try my hardest in everything I do. I just need to remember that not everything needs to be perfect.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I am in class on 2/19/14.

Men are constructed in this commercial to be structured as strong, country, and drive pickup trucks. This commercial makes it seem that women are just there to do things for men and are not needed in doing other things. The cows represent love between a woman and man.

Monday, February 17, 2014


Pepsi Youtube Video:

I was surprised that humans consume 180 pounds of sugar each year and in almost everything we eat, there is sugar in it. The government is not regulating sugar because there would have to be a new way to produce many kinds of foods because there is sugar in almost everything. I feel that the government should regulate sugar but there is really no way for them to do that. I feel that the pepsi commercial is trying to increase the profit of pepsi by persuading people to keep drinking it. The pepsi commercial is using Beyonce to persuade Americans to keep drinking this drink.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I am in here in class today.

I feel like the hardest part of the evaluative summary was reading and understanding the article. I did not really care for this assignment because I would prefer to write more personal experience essays than research papers. I had a hard time trying to use the APA format because I have never used it before. I personally did not like anything about this paper because the article was very boring and I could not relate to the topic. I feel like if the article had more to do with college students, it would have been easier to relate to and easier to write.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Milk ads have changed throughout the years because times are changing. Before there were pictures of children or women and today it is celebrities advertising milk companies.

I did not really find anything on whether the nutritional facts of milk have changed but I am sure they have because today food is a lot more unhealthy than it used to be.